The strangest thing happened again. For a few years now, since my Mom passed away, I have had the pleasure of seeing swans out in the lake in front of my house. They are so very beautiful and graceful. Sometimes there are only a few and sometimes there are hundreds. I have always said that that was my Mom and friends coming to check on me. It has given me comfort but also gives me the heebie jeebies at times. So, today, I was looking out the window and saw a large number of Canadian geese swimming and making bunches of noise. Out loud, I said..."Gosh you guys are sure loud. Hey, MOM, where the heck are you? I haven't seen you in forever." Thought to myself....boy, you have really lost it now....talking out loud to no one. Shrugged my shoulders and g0t dressed to go to the store. Hang on....I come home and put down my groceries and go to the window and guess what? Out in the middle of all the geese are 2 beautiful swans....looking right at me. Isn't that something?
This gave me chills! I believe we are sent signs from those we have lost. How neat!
Nana has returned, just like I knew she would!
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