Sunday, November 30, 2008

Giving Thanks!!!!

I had the best day yesterday. My whole family was here at my house for our new tradition (2 yrs. now) Saturday Thanksgiving Day. It is a laid back, even with jammies, comfortable day. We eat, drink and play games. A lot of work, but worth every second. My big girl, Jessica, has discovered Martini's and we enjoyed a few of those. Not too much damage, at least on my end....haven't heard from Jessica yet. This will be my last Thanksgiving with only 2 grandchildren. We will soon welcome a new member to our family. Only a few more weeks. Can't wait to meet "Sesame." Thank you to my whole family for making such a fun day yesterday.
For*t eating fish!!!!!! WTF
For Keith.....pinch to grow an inch!!!! Yes, I got your is a real saying. But was worth a few laughs.
Erik.....hope you didn't have to work too long on Sunday. look fantastic!
Jojo....your school picture, rocks!!! What a knock-out
Jakey....loved your little nap with Hubba!!!
Sent lovingly from

1 comment:

Jessica said...

No damage on my part Le-A. If I keep adding more juice than liquor I should be ok. It was a very fun, comfortable day, thanks for all the hard work you did for us. I'm still laughing at the sh*t eating fish! Funny stuff!